Support us
We rely on the generosity of our supporters to deliver our ground-breaking work. With your help we can develop community programmes and facilities which enable children, families and people of all ages and backgrounds to explore their creative potential.
"I wouldn't have been able to offer my daughter this opportunity due to financial constraints."
Flourish participant, London (February 2022)
Your donations make a world of difference
Your gift, large or small, will help to build vibrant, healthy communities by supporting artists and giving people access to exhibitions, open studios, artist collaborations and creative learning opportunities. Make a one-off or monthly donation by using the button below.
If you’re able to give more, there are many ways you can. From leaving a gift in your will to becoming a corporate sponsor, you’ll be supporting programmes that make a huge difference to people’s lives. To explore these options, please get in touch using the button below.
Make a lasting change
The impact of your giving
2024 saw more artists, children, young people, families and local residents benefiting from creative programmes. With your support we can achieve even more.