
North Kensington, Wembley
Since 2017

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Flourish is a free school holiday art programme for families in North Kensington and Wembley with primary school-aged children. It provides a welcoming space for families to be creative, play together, and learn new skills with professional artists.

The programme takes place at Maxilla Walk Studios in North Kensington and Barham Park Studios in Wembley, where families take part in hands-on activities responding to a different theme each holiday. Both sites have access to outdoor green space, allowing for activities indoors and outdoors in a relaxed and supportive environment.

About Flourish

Flourish began as a one-off eco-art project funded by the Westway Trust. Following the Grenfell Tower fire, the need for a safe, creative space for families became clear, and the programme developed into a regular initiative. Each holiday, a broad range of artists lead sessions that explore different themes, encouraging families to engage with art in new ways.

Two children working on a large collaborative wall painting including a sun and bird.
Flourish at ACAVA Maxilla Walk Studios. Photo by ACAVA Shoots (Ashleigh Ramel)

Flourish is shaped by five core values:

Authenticity – Artists share the creative journey with families, building trust through connection and an equal exchange of ideas.

Discovery – Sessions provide space for children and families to experiment, learn, and create without judgement.

Exploration – Each session can be experienced individually or as part of an ongoing creative journey, with all levels of engagement welcomed.

Play – Creativity builds confidence and strengthens bonds, with outdoor play encouraging interaction with nature.

Wellbeing – The programme fosters connections between families and strengthens emotional resilience.

Series of five banners depicting the core values of Flourish, designed by Sadie St-Hilaire, co-created with families and artist Flora Duley.

You can find more about the Flourish story, and the development of our manifesto and principles, here.

Flourish at ACAVA Barham Park Studios. Photo by ACAVA Shoots (Andreia Sofia Leitão)

What we’ve done in recent sessions:

  • Built an installation exploring our relationship to the galaxy
  • Created spinning planets and potato batteries
  • Made video installations using homemade camera obscuras
  • Used printmaking to create large-scale collage, and textile-based projects
  • Explored interactive storytelling with puppets and props, co-created with children

"I think one of the things I really love is that it doesn't feel pressured... You're not doing something to have an end goal, it's more about the process."

Words from our Flourish families:

“Just to have that kind of support was really crucial for me, and I think for my daughter as well… I honestly don’t know what I would have done that summer… So to have that to go to and have that as the creative aspect for us was like a real lifeline.” Programme participant, ACAVA Flourish (after Grenfell fire)

“There’s definitely a sense of community and all the regulars recognize each other, they all show each other their work when they’ve done it. They will support each other, which is so nice.” Programme participant, ACAVA Flourish

“Not just the physical environment is safe but safe in the sense that the people there are warm and genuine. Safety in terms of your wellbeing and in the sense that I like I can go there and not worry, as I can almost switch off.” Programme participant, ACAVA Flourish

“I think one of the things I really love is that it doesn’t feel pressured. There isn’t pressure to produce something. You’re not doing something to have an end goal, it’s more about the process.” Programme participant, ACAVA Flourish

Impact in 2021

0 %
0 %
0 %
of families from a minority ethnic background
of families included children on the autism spectrum
of children in receipt of free school meals

Impact in 2021

0 %
of families from a minority ethnic background
0 %
of families included children on the autism spectrum
0 %
of children in receipt of free school meals