Visit Wysing Arts Centre with Emily Motto on Saturday 29 October, exploring their outdoor sculpture displays and participating in nature-themed activities.
Wysing Arts Centre is a contemporary arts residency centre and campus for artistic production, experimentation and learning. Wysing’s 2022 theme is re-wilding, so you and your family will work with artist Emily Motto to explore the nature around us and discover ways we can create artworks using natural processes, through collage, print and assemblage.
You can choose to travel with us by minibus (free of charge) from ACAVA Blechynden Street Studios (W10) or drive independently.
Flourish: Breathe is a new strand of our Flourish programme which provides free trips out of London for families in North Kensington who would like to escape the city and engage in creative activities in new spaces.
Facilitating artist:
Emily Motto
Saturday 29 October,
9am – 5.30pm, Free
Wysing Arts Centre,
CB23 2TX