Cultivate Create winter sessions – Join today!
27 October 2022
Flyer with info above and a photograph of a child's hands creating a magic wand out of sticks, leaves and thread.
Cultivate Create, 2022

Join us over the winter months to prepare the soil for spring, grow winter vegetables, explore and improve seasonal biodiversity and build on previous work done to the Maxilla Walk Studios yard and Forest School garden, through creative-making sessions.


There are 10 winter and spring sessions taking place on alternate Saturdays, including a spring visit to another garden space and a one-off talk exploring relevant ecology and art topics.

We plan to build a second polytunnel enabling more vulnerable plants to grow through the winter, and for us to experiment with culturally relevant plants that otherwise would not survive the UK seasons. We would also like to invest in a timed watering system to aid with spring and summer watering. 

We have some additional spaces available for new families. If you would like to get involved, please complete a form in the link below!

Cultivate Create is a new creative growing project for North Kensington families with a focus on wellbeing and emotional resilience. It provides a safe, non-judgmental space for families in which to be creative and connect to nature. Learn more about the programme.


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