Become a partner

Collaborate with us to create new studios, programmes or commissions

Collaboration is in our DNA. For almost 50 years we have worked in partnership to create thriving artistic studio communities and deliver industry-recognised, socially engaged community programmes that have a transformational impact.

We have designed and set up studios in new buildings and brought old ones back to life; we run buildings that we own and those on short leases; we are experienced and thrive in working with a diversity of sectors from health and wellbeing to property management and creative placemaking to education.

A new collaboration could be focused on studio premises, a community engagement project, a public art commission, consultancy advice – or a combination of these things.

If you are a local authority, developer, socially engaged creative practitioner, or share our values and ambition to create vibrant creative communities that are engaged with their local community we would love to hear from you. Email our CEO Tom Holley at

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